Your Pump, Our Commitment. Reliability Engineered.
Peristaltic Pump Applications
Industrial peristaltic pumps have many applications in the industry, just to name a few applications; cyanide processing, slurry transfer, thickener underflow transfer, reagent dosing, froth flotation, etc. Companies such as Bredel, Abaque, Boyser, Sepro, Verder, etc. have supplied peristaltic pumps around the world for many applications. There is one BIG secret! They do NOT manufacture their own brand-name hoses. They have them manufactured with the joint-expertise of rubber hose manufacturers. Today many of the same rubber hose manufacturers can and do produce quality hoses with equal performance without an expensive label.
What makes a good pump?
Technically all peristaltic pumps are good pumps, however, we also know that for a peristaltic hose pump, the hose is the pump. Therefor we need to take a closer look at the hose! The question remains: What makes a good peristaltic rubber hose?
– The Rubber (chemical and mechanical composition)
– The re-enforcement material (but also the angle of installation)
– The hardness of the rubber (Shore A hardness)
– The pore size of the outer-layer (lubrication and friction factors)
– The elongation (the tensile strength – stretching of the hose)
– The pressure rating (for both suction (vacuum) and discharge)
Sounds all complicated and difficult to compare. What really matters is how many operating hours you will have in your application!
We can analyze your system!
Get the most out of the peristaltic hoses. Small changes to your installation may have a big impact on the actual hose life.
Any questions related to Hose Pumps, Pumps Systems, or Pump Training?